This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) explains the data that purewellhealthbeing media collects and provides. This Policy only refers to the Services; it does not include any other websites, apps, or other services that are not owned or controlled by us.This also applies to any personal data we collect offline, such when you visit conferences or other events or phone us for help.

By using or accessing the Services in any other manner, you acknowledge and agree that this Policy is applicable. Please read this Policy carefully to understand our rules about your information. You may reach us at hakimshahbiologist@com if you have any questions about these practices.

In order to run, enhance, develop, and offer the Services to you (henceforth referred to as “you,” or “users”), we gather, utilize, and disclose the information described in this Privacy Policy through our websites, applications, goods, and services (collectively, “Services”). Additionally, this privacy policy outlines your options about our use of personal data.


Cookies are little text files that are stored on devices in order to allow websites identify your browser and record basic information. They are used for a number of functions, including as interacting and navigating the Services, personalizing experiences, analyzing use, storing preferences, verifying users, and allowing advertising. Cookies may be session- or persistent-based, and they may be set by us or by third parties. Emails may contain pixels that log activity. Consult your browser’s “Help” section to modify your cookie options. Certain functionalities and the operation of the Services may be impacted by blocking or deactivating particular cookies. Residents of the UK and EEA should see the Privacy Notice.

To understand our procedures and policies about your information and how we will treat it, please carefully read our privacy policy. You consent to this privacy policy and the above-described collection, use, disclosure, and storage of data by accessing or using our services.

This Policy only applies to the websites, applications, and other services that we own or manage.

Data That We Gather

We may get information from you directly, automatically, and/or from other sources, depending on how you use the Services.

Details You Give Us

When you use the Services, we get information directly from you. Examples of this include when you register, give us feedback, make an appointment, place an order, subscribe to our emails, interact with customer support, answer surveys or quizzes, publish content on the Services, or allow our Apps to access your images or other data. The typical categories of data that you could give us are listed below.

  1. Name and cellphone number, mailing address, and actual location are examples of contact data.
  2. Personal data, including your preferences, areas of interest, and login details.
  3. Once you register to access your account, you can be asked for this kind of data.
  4. Details about your gender, date of birth, and marital status are examples of demographic data.
  5. order details, including your billing and shipping addresses, order contents, past transaction history, 
  6. and payment details, including a credit or debit card number and expiration date.
  7. User material includes everything you upload or otherwise make accessible through the Services, including critiques, feedback, images, articles, ideas, and other types of content.
  8. Depending on the circumstances, this content might be accessible to the public or other account holders, and it could be connected to account details like your password or username.
  9. Data from your smartphone or other applications, such as calendar entries, fitness app data, and images or other material from your device’s camera, that you give the Services or allow an App to acces healthrelated data, including details about your ailment, diagnosis, and state of health; drugs you use; the kind of treatment you need; your sexual orientation and past relationships with others; and details about making doctor’s visits.
  10. position data, which might include information that pinpoints the exact position of your mobile device (if you consent to an app or service collecting this) or your general location as determined by your IP address.
  11. Data that lead and order forms seek, including payment and contact details (as previously mentioned)

It is not necessary for you to give us any personal information. However, the Services won’t work as planned or you won’t be able to use some features if you don’t provide us some information. For instance, you are unable to register if you do not provide us your name and email address. Certain regulations may classify some of the data we gather—such as health-related data—as “sensitive.” This is included in the Supplemental Privacy Notice if applicable.

Information We Collect Automatically

We automatically collect device information, usage data, and location information when you interact with the Services. This includes IP address, hardware and software information, browser type, time zone, unique device identifiers, and advertising identifiers. We may use cookies and similar technologies to collect and store this information, as detailed in Cookies, Analytics, and Advertising.

Information we collect from other sources

We could get information about you from a number of sources, such as credit reporting agencies, social media connections, login services, affiliates, and subsidiaries. By using a third-party connection to use our services, you provide us access to your social network profile, which includes your friend list, postings, and account details. You ought not to utilize a third-party connection if you do not want us to have access to this data. We also get statistical, contact, and demographic data from other sources.

Usage of your information

The information gathered is used by Health Insight Media to deliver and maintain its services, customize it, carry out research, improve it, create new products and services, interact with users, market and advertise goods and services, carry out surveys, and ensure security. In addition, it could exercise legal rights, abide by the law, and confirm users’ identities. For research and marketing reasons, Health insight media may aggregate or de-identify data obtained from other sources and combine it with its own. Cookies, analytics, and advertising are all covered by this policy. health insight media may share de-identified or aggregated data for marketing and research purposes.


Cookies and related technologies may be used for analytics purposes by Google Analytics and other third-party site analytics providers. Users can install the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on to stop this from happening. Preferences must be used while using the Services since they are exclusive to that particular device or devices.


Thirdparty cookies and advertising technology may be used by the Services’ online advertising to display information and adverts that are specifically tailored to users’ browsing history and other websites. These advertisements could be determined by user choices, content, and information gathered. Users can use the Digital ads Alliance’s WebChoices Tool or the Network Advertising Initiative’s Consumer Opt-Out Link to manage cookies and get customized ads. Ads, however, could still appear on the Services or other websites, and preferences can be device-specific.

your’s Informational rights

Depending on your jurisdiction, you have the right to seek access to, disclosure of, correction of, or deletion of personal information about you. Moreover, you have the option to refuse, limit, or opt out of certain processes. This includes asking for details about the kinds of personal data we gather, our sources, and the people who  are involved. Regarding rights particular to a given region, read the Supplement.


Although we work hard to prevent unauthorized use, access, or disclosure of your information, communication techniques prevent us from providing a 100% assurance of security. Make sure to use strong passwords, log out of accounts after usage, and stay away from insecure networks to improve security. You should report any unauthorized usage since you are accountable for every activity.